Aligners and Braces

Aligners and Braces

\ Aligners are less noticeable than braces as they are clear
\ Hygiene: As your aligners are removable, you can brush and floss as per usual
\ Appointments: As the tooth movement is pre-planned, the actual visits to the practice are usually much simpler and, in some cases, can be fewer overall.
\ Comfort: Although the teeth can still be somewhat tender as they begin to move, the lips and cheeks tend to be less irritated as the plastic aligner is smoother than the metal or porcelain braces. This may be particularly relevant for those playing contact (or semi-contact) sports
\ Compliance: Aligners need to be worn 22 hours a day to be effective. This means they are only removed for eating and cleaning. Compliance equals results!
\ Aligners need to be removed for eating and cleaning. Some patients may find it difficult to do this in public if they feel shy or embarrassed about it.
\ Effectiveness: Aligners can treat most cases, but not all.
\ Applicable to all cases
\ Compliance: Because the braces are fixed to your teeth, you cannot forget to wear them, or lose them.
\ Hygiene: It is much more challenging to clean your teeth with braces rather than aligners. If cleaning is not done adequately, real damage can occur to the teeth.
\ Diet: With braces attached to your teeth, your diet will need to be modified. Hard foods (or night time grinding) can cause breakages which can slow or stop your treatment progress. Also, as you are more prone to decay with braces on, sugary sticky foods need to be avoided.
\ Comfort: Generally speaking, braces are more likely to cause discomfort as they can rub on the cheeks and lips.
\ Appearance: Braces (even the porcelain ones) are more noticeable than aligners.
\ Appointments: The appointments needed for braces tend to be longer and more involved, with active adjustments needed to be carried out in the chair. There may be a need for more frequent visits as well.

7-20691 Lougheed Hwy

Maple Ridge, BC


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