
Cold Sores

Cold sores, are small, fluid-filled blisters that develop on or around the lips. They are caused by the herpes simplex virus and are highly contagious. Cold sores usually heal on their own within a few weeks but can be uncomfortable and may recur periodically. If you feel a cold sore coming on call the office

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ATTRITION -Teeth grinding is a condition that involves clenching of the upper and lower teeth, damaging the biting surface of your teeth either during sleep or through stress. This can result in the underlying dentin becoming exposed, increasing tooth sensitivity ABFRACTION -occurs when the v-shaped structure sitting above the gumline is damaged. General causes of

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Which Toothpaste Is The Best?

There isn’t one answer as it depends on your specific needs are you looking for avoiding/reducing gingivitis? Do you have sensitive teeth? Are you trying to brighten your teeth? there are many options to address each of the possible goals. Even within those options some work better for one person over another. if you’re unsure

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Aligners and Braces

Aligners Advantages: \ Aligners are less noticeable than braces as they are clear \ Hygiene: As your aligners are removable, you can brush and floss as per usual \ Appointments: As the tooth movement is pre-planned, the actual visits to the practice are usually much simpler and, in some cases, can be fewer overall. \

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What are signs of grinding or clenching teeth?

– pain or soreness in the jaw (especially in the morning) –headaches (particularly in the temple area) –gum recession –flattened wear areas on the biting surface of your teeth ( mostly noticeable on front teeth) –chipped and broken teeth –loose teeth –teeth start to move to new positions

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What does a nightguard do?

–helps to protect your teeth from the effects of grinding and clenching (chipping, wear and breaks) –they may reduce the effects of TMJ disorders –while mostly worn at night these can be worn anytime you are more likely to grind or clench your teeth

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What will happen during my root canal appointment?

« If you’ve been in pain from the infection your dentist will likely have prescribed antibiotics to take before your appointment. *Take as directed otherwise the local anesthetic (freezing) may not be as effective. « At the start of your appointment the tooth will be frozen. First a topical gel then local anesthesia « Once

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What to expect after a filling?

-Numbness from freezing during the appointment should go away in a few hours -you may experience temperature (hot/cold) sensitivity that will decrease over time – it may be tender to chew harder things (in deeper fillings) -If you notice sensitivity try to avoid extreme hot/cold and chewing harder things in that area to give the

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7-20691 Lougheed Hwy

Maple Ridge, BC


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