
What will happen during my root canal appointment?

« If you’ve been in pain from the infection your dentist will likely have prescribed antibiotics to take before your appointment. *Take as directed otherwise the local anesthetic (freezing) may not be as effective. « At the start of your appointment the tooth will be frozen. First a topical gel then local anesthesia « Once

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What to expect after a filling?

-Numbness from freezing during the appointment should go away in a few hours -you may experience temperature (hot/cold) sensitivity that will decrease over time – it may be tender to chew harder things (in deeper fillings) -If you notice sensitivity try to avoid extreme hot/cold and chewing harder things in that area to give the

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What usually happens at a filling appointment?

-For most fillings the dentist will “freeze” the tooth so that you’re more comfortable during the procedure. A topical numbing gel goes on first -The dentist will clean out the decay with a drill and manual tools -The cavity is then filled with a material so the tooth is functional. -Sometimes a curing light is

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Smoking can lead to gum disease, tooth discoloration, and even tooth loss. It reduces blood flow, impairs healing, and increases the risk of oral cancers. is a free resource available to anyone interested in quitting smoking

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What to do after vomiting?

Resist the urge to brush right away Brushing to soon after rubs the acid all over your teeth potentially causing damage. Instead swish with water, a diluted mouth rinse or a solution of water and 1 tsp baking soda to help wash the acide away.

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7-20691 Lougheed Hwy

Maple Ridge, BC


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